Saturday, July 30, 2016

Another dream beaten to death by intolerance and then insensitivity

The other day I was sitting at work, planning to go out to have aloo paratha for dinner. Every time I don't carry mum cooked dinner, I prefer going out for the unhygienic paratha instead of half cooked food in the cafeteria that doesn't suit my system. When I asked my colleague to come along, she told me that the vendor is shut down and the area is now covered by the police. Assessing my puzzled look, she was surprised that I didn't know about the incident that had taken place there the previous month; murder of a girl.

A girl in her early 20s, working as a bartender at a couple of places in Gurgaon. She was there for her dinner break, when a friend/ colleague/ competitor also turned up there. They had an argument there which turned into a quarrel which turned into an ugly feud. The other girl called her boyfriend from a nearby Haryana's village, who came along with two other guys carrying thick rods. And they all beat her to death. While the whole world looked on, no one came forward to stop them, to protect her, to call police or to take her to the hospital.

Since she's told me about it, I can't stop thinking about the insensitivity and intolerance in the society. Where was the public outrage that night, that comes out too often and on a huge scale when a politician or a celebrity gives out a controversial "statement". Why did they let her die like that!?
What if it was their daughter or sister being beaten in public? What if it was me? What if I were there? Could I protect her? Had they beaten me too with her? What her family must be going through? Will our society keep letting the innocents die like that by some outrageous intolerant illiterate? Are we scared from people who are among us but never by the wrong? Why do we not stand against these beasts for the innocents? Is it that easy to see someone die like that? Can't we do something with a thought that our family can be their next target!? Someone else blinded by outrage can attack our daughter or son and no one will stand for them and just see them doing because we didn't have enough courage today.

Since my friend told me about it, I just can't stop thinking about this whole scenario, our society, I can't stop crying for her. It isn't about a girl but it could be a boy killed, just like terrorism has no religion, a killed innocent has no gender, it's just a victim.

Talking about insensitivity, it's not gender biased, women are insensitive towards women. You travel in Delhi metro, no woman will offer her seat to an old woman, a woman with a toddler, a pregnant woman or anyone who needs it more than they do. Well, it would be unjust for women who do; which comprises a very small fraction of these travelling women passengers. Some of these needy women will ask for a seat but that's also a very minute number.

Girls would rather pretend sleeping than offering their seat . In fact, the other day a woman got up to catch her child who had just jumped off her lap to hold the pole in front of her and a girl standing in a corner didn't take a moment to come and take her momentarily vacant seat. Now this mother couldn't ask for her seat and stood there holding her child in the moving metro trying to maintain her balance. I waited for a few moments before offering my seat to her, just to observe if anyone else also noticed and would offer her their seat and I was once again convinced of the insensitivity at its all time high.

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