We have never met, yet I developed a dislike for you. We don't even know each other, yet I stalk (not follow) YOU on Insta, instead of him. That's not enough to know you as a person, yet I can't stop judging. We both have our own flaws, yet I see myself over you. I know you lack everything that makes me a mean person, yet it feels better to call you a bitch. We belong to two different worlds, yet you seem to possess what could have been mine. No, you didn't steal him, yet I know you were a part of our story I never knew. I don't think he told you about me, yet I want you to know you are nothing like me. You might be a gentle breeze under the shining sun, yet I was the fire that lit his soul. You might give him what I couldn't, yet I'll always be the first to have felt his warmth. I'm not sure if I exist for you, yet you have invaded my peace. You are a stranger, yet your smile pierces through my heart. I don't love him anymore, yet it's shattering to see him with you. I don't want him back, yet I can't let anyone else in my world. It's not your fault, yet I spend my thoughts cursing you. I hold no grudges against him, yet I can't seem to accept that he's happy with you. They tell me that despite my short-temper I'm like an angel, yet you seem to wear the halo. They tell me I'm irreplaceable, yet I was replaced by you.
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