Tuesday, February 26, 2019

To the one I'm going to marry

Arranged marriage or love marriage doesn't really make a difference as long as there's a synchronicity in thoughts.

And I don't think I can find someone with the same thought process as mine. It won't work out with mel if you're a boring person, stuck and slogging in a boring job, expecting to get married to a girl who'll wait with perfectly round chapatis at dinner, will smile all the time and abide by all your wishes, bear you children and then raise them like she was the only one responsible for their birth and never ask you for anything.

I love food. I'm not someone who'll go on any crazy diet to lose weight to soothe anyone's eyes. I can't make chapatis, let alone perfect round. I also have a career so I'd expect both of us to cook, not in turns but regularly. I'm not going to quit my job, I've also got a promotion recently which I don't think you'd care about. I've tried my hand at chapatis for a very long time but could never master it so I expect my partner to fill the gap there. I quit my job as a software engineer to work as a voice coach only because I enjoy it and I'm never going to quit to fit the family demand. I don't like kids so I never want any. I don't really ask, when I want to go on a vacation. Because I know you won't ask me either. If you can accompany me, great or I don't mind going alone. I can't stay home for long on weekends, I may stay home and laze around or I may go out and loosen out. I don't need you for superficial things like finances, I can take care of it myself. I want you for deeper needs.

I don't blame you, that's not entirely your fault. That's how you've been raised. It was another woman to tell you it's ok to expect irrational things from another woman who'd be your wife, it's ok to suppress her. I hope you are mature enough, you've seen enough of this world to know better.

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