Saturday, September 06, 2014

Why am I not free!?

We have completed 67 years of independence but are we free in real terms? Can I take a walk at night without getting raped, can I wear a short skirt without being ogled at, can that red dress be worn without attracting any lewd remarks, can I talk on phone while walking without having anyone whisper crude comments within my earshot, can I travel on bus without having anyone trying to rub their pride on my shoulder or crush my pride by holding my breast or pinching my ass, can I laugh heartily without having to worry about prying eyes, what can I wear that will assure I'll be protected, am I free to go out with my male friends without anyone thinking that I sleep around with them, can I trust my government to actually do something for me and give no empty promises, can I hope that there won't be another remark on things I do that get me raped, can I trust the world with my little princess. I am a girl. I don't want to hear that my mobile phone, eating noodles and letting myself out at night (I'd say any hour) get me raped. Why does it have to come down to me!? Why can't they ask men to not use phones, to not watch porn, to stay home at night so that I am safe outside, to keep their pants in check instead of checking me out. Aren't there any rapes happening during day, aren't women in sarees getting raped, don't we have school girls being molested without any cell phones, 4-5 year old girls are raped when they don't even know what provocative clothing is. Why don't we have a moral police for every man walking on the road eyeing the next girl!? I don't want to know how innocent a guy is to rape. If he can rape, where is innocence!! Can I ever feel safe? Will we stop having useless marches that have rapists and molesters walking along with candles and still checking out the women around? We have zillions of fines and punishments for the pettiest of "crimes" like pulling a train's chain or pressing emergency button in metro, but what do we have for a woman's dignity! We get nothing out of a report for rape but there is a headline about how authorities are affected to know that tourism industry has dropped due to rising rape cases!

I don't want to wish a happy independence day because I don't feel free!

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