Saturday, December 29, 2012


Sitting on a chair alone in a room full of people, not bothered by anything or anyone, no one to disturb the stream of thoughts flowing or rather storming my mind since mine is one of the most restless minds. Not noticing anyone around, nobody entering or leaving the room can break in the flow. But suddenly he enters the room and the flow is broken, mind is blank, heartbeat raised and eyes looking in his direction only. Feeling conscious, trying to avoid to look at him but can't help stealing a look every now and then, even though there's a strange fear that he may see me looking at him. He has all my attention but I need his. Quite frequently, he caught me looking at him when I pretended to be lost in thoughts with a straight face and breath held before getting back to my writing. It's like a connection between us that takes me where he is already and moves me in his direction without me having to know about his whereabouts. Will he ever read my face and realize how much I want him and how insanely his presence affects me!! It's crazy how his presence makes me feel. It's too strong and flawless that I don't have to find him but his presence finds me! Sigh!!

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