What is happiness?! A feeling experienced when we get something that we really wanted or when with people or someone we love! Isn't it? But doesn't that make our happiness vulnerable! Vulnerable to situations when we may just lose something we had or after a fight with our dear ones..
Isn't is supposed to be a pure feeling free from all the longings, something that comes from within to overcome all other negative feelings, instead we just let our negative feelings overtake our happiness and let ourselves flow with it.
Our happiness vanishes in thin air the moment we see something that gets on our nerves and we prefer to be angry over being happy!
How come happiness became a rare feeling, since when we had to struggle for it, a feeling that people have forgotten entirely about
People go places searching for it, do all kind of unusual things but never look inside themselves to have a glimpse of it or may be they have just buried it deep down somewhere that they cant scrape it out
Isn't it something as simple as loving yourself (is it really that simple?!) and not letting the world affect it, protect it like your baby or is it so hard to love yourself because of all the ugly things you've been doing in an illusion of happiness and now find it hard to even like a bit of your own soul let alone loving yourself!
Is happiness really that complex at all or just a puzzle which we could solve better as kids but are now clueless about it and have just entangled ourselves into it trying to get through it like an ant caught in cobweb.
Or may be only if we could complicate our lives a little less and stop running after the butterfly of happiness then who knows it may just come and sit on our shoulders giving our souls a piece of peace it deserves. :)