Do you ever feel connected to someone you don’t know enough yet? Connected as in you like to be with them, to talk to them about random things, nothing significant! Not that you connect with them romantically but just intellectually. You do not talk about each other but everything else that matters least to you both; things about yourself that doesn’t matter to the other person at all. Talking to them gives you a sense of connection, makes you feel satisfied, fulfilled and at peace.
When you don’t get to talk to them, you start feeling uneasy as if you haven't got your regular dose of the drug you're addicted to!
At times it becomes so important to talk to someone you don’t know. Just to let out everything that’s brewing inside your head.
Just to vent out whatever is bothering your soul's peace. Not because they matter to you but for the exactly opposite reason! That they don’t matter to you at all and you don’t matter to them either. You can simply be yourself and they wont judge you and make any assumptions or prejudices. They wont have any expectations from you and you don’t have to worry about fulfilling their expectations either.
You can always feel light after talking to them over random topics and forgetting your actual worries in the process. Even if you share your troubles with them, they wont start giving you their worldly wisdom unlike when you share it with people you know. Ideal for situations when you just want to escape your best friend's preaching and just want to talk and let it all out.
They are never going to judge your morals on your mistakes or make any impression of how you are as a person.
Now coming back to where we started!!
Informally, it's like having an intellectual affair, with no romantic touch to it!
It can also be put in the category of infidelity even though you are not cheating on anybody but still you are allowing yourself to drift away from your partner on a higher level, telling yourself that its ok to not share deep stuff with your significant other, that he won't be interested anyway.
And maybe you're right! Maybe the other person would be more interested in listening to you. Maybe your guy would find your ideas, your thoughts absurd and laugh it off. Maybe he will put his much better and much thought off theory on the table. Maybe this other person is seeing things in your perspective for some other reason, things you are too naive to think of. Maybe this is how you started with your guy, talking about higher stuff. Maybe someday this chemistry between you and this stranger will end after you are not strangers anymore and you will start the same relationship with someone new!
At times I feel that this 'talking' habit is a bit dangerous! ;)